Family Guy
We recommend being 2+ players for this game.
You’ll need:
- One or more episodes of Family Guy
- Alcohol
How to play:
Drink one finger for each time…:
- Peter does something stupid
- Peter laughs
- Quagmire says ‘giggity’
- There’s a flashback
- Peter is drunk
- Lois is cooking
- Stewie says ‘Victory is mine’
- Peter says ‘Sweet’
- Stewie has a gun/weapon
- Stewie talks to a random adult
- Quahog News is on TV
- Trisha Takinowa is reporting
Drink 2 fingers for each time…
- There’s an incredibly long scene
- Brian and Stewie fights
- Peter is on the phone
- Joe says ‘ All right, let’s do it!’
- Chris does something stupid
Drink 3 fingers for each time….
- Someone falls
- The evil monkey appears
- There’s a parody on another comic/cartoon
- Someone breaks into singing
- The upside-down-headed boy appears